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Market Updates

3rd Quarter 2022 Market Update Thumbnail

3rd Quarter 2022 Market Update

The S&P 500 fell 9.21 percent during the month, which caused the index to lose 4.88 percent during the quarter. The Dow Jones Industrial Average declined 8.76 percent in September, capping the 6.17 percent decline for the quarter.

1st Quarter 2022 Market Update Thumbnail

1st Quarter 2022 Market Update

Equity markets partially bounced back in March, driven by a strong run in the second half of the month. The S&P 500, Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA), and Nasdaq Composite gained 3.71 percent, 2.49 percent, and 3.48 percent, respectively.

4th Quarter 2021 Market Update Thumbnail

4th Quarter 2021 Market Update

Markets rallied to finish out the year, with all three major U.S. indices notching gains for the month, quarter, and year. The S&P 500 gained 4.48 percent in December, which contributed to an 11.03 percent return for the quarter and a strong 28.71 percent gain for the year.

3rd Quarter 2021 Market Update Thumbnail

3rd Quarter 2021 Market Update

Markets pulled back sharply in September after setting record highs in August. Rising medical risks hit growth expectations at the same time as concerns about inflation and rising interest rates weighed heavily on sentiment in a sort of perfect storm.