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Quarterly Newsletter

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4th Quarter 2024 Newsletter

Timing is everything. The inflation that has ensued over the past several years created an opportunity to cash out of the Cherokee at a highly inflated price allowing me to recover all (most) of my “investment” made into the plane over 20 years of ownership.

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3rd Quarter 2024 Newsletter

Imposter Syndrome: noun: a psychological condition that is characterized by persistent doubt concerning one's abilities or accomplishments accompanied by the fear of being exposed as a fraud despite evidence of one's ongoing success. Merriam-Webster

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1st Quarter 2024 Newsletter

New Year’s resolutions are an annual ritual for many. You know the drill, on or about December 31 we make commitments to ourselves to eliminate our vices, accomplish a long dreamed of fete, reacquaint with family and friends, or something similar along those lines. By February 1 we’ve forgotten all about it.

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4th Quarter 2023 Newsletter

It was 8am when we motored away from Jug’s Landing, the thermometer approaching 40 degrees and rising, not bad for December 11. We would pass slowly through the canal until reaching the massive iron flood gates that could close solid in a hurricane.